Webinar Library
Webinar Date: March 16, 2023
Endowment: Give Now and Fund the Future
Endowments gifts allow you to provide sustainable funding for the causes you care about most while also yielding significant tax benefits. They are given with the intent to preserve the original value of the gift and to grow it over time by investing it.
In this webinar we discuss endowment giving — including how it works and why it might be beneficial for you. Cru Foundation® advisor, Katie Brubaker, will be back with us to provide all the details and answer your questions.
Webinar Date: December 13, 2022
Making the Maximum Impact in the Toughest Places
Hear from President and CEO, Al Goff, and Director of Communications, Katie Carpintero, as they share insights, field updates, and stories about how your support impacts people in the toughest places.
Webinar Date: October 25, 2022
Donor Advised Funds 2.0: Funding your Fund with Real Estate
Did you know that you can simplify your giving AND impact people in the toughest places without giving cash?
Donor Advised Funds are a strategic, hassle-free giving method that work very much like a charitable savings account. You can give stock, real estate, or other non-cash gifts to your fund and receive the tax benefits immediately — then you can make a gift later to the charity of your choice.
You may remember the Unto® webinar earlier this year on Donor Advised Funds. This fall Cru Foundation® specialist, Katie Brubaker, will be back to share even more. Whether or not you were able to join us the first time, you are sure to gain plenty of valuable information from this event!
Webinar Date: March 15, 2022
Donor Advised Funds: Funding Your Fund, From Cash to Crypto
Did you know that you can simplify your giving and increase your impact without giving cash?
Donor Advised Funds are a strategic, hassle-free giving method that work very much like a charitable savings account. You can give cash, stock, or other non-cash gifts to your fund and receive the tax benefits immediately — then make a gift later to the charity of your choice.
Watch this special webinar featuring Cru Foundation® advisor, Katie Brubaker. She will share the variety of giving options available to you, specifically the benefits of a Donor Advised Fund and ways you can fund it.
Webinar Date: October 12, 2021
Giving Confidence: Answering “Where Does My Money Go?”
Have you wanted to ask questions about how your donations to charitable organizations are used? Watch the replay of Giving Confidence: Answering “Where Does My Money Go?” featuring Unto® Director of Finance, David Weier. He will answer your questions related to year-end giving, fiscal responsibility, financial transparency, and more.
Webinar Date: December 9, 2020
Stories From the Toughest Places and Your Impact
In a year that seems out of control in so many ways, God is still at work — orchestrating events according to His perfect plan. We have seen it, even in the toughest places, and we want to share these stories of hope with you.
Watch the replay of the webinar, Stories from the Toughest Places and Your Impact, for an inside look at what is happening in the field. You will hear from President and CEO, Al Goff, and Vice President of Field Operations, Brad Supple, about how people continue to receive humanitarian aid and hear about the hope of Jesus in such unusual times.
Webinar Date: October 27, 2020
Legacy Giving: How to Make a Gift Today That Can Outlive You
We appreciate your desire to learn how to make an investment today that would serve the physical and spiritual needs of suffering people now and for generations to come.
Watch Legacy Giving: How to Make a Gift Today That Can Outlive You hosted by an expert in charitable giving from Cru Foundation®, Mike Wynn. He will answer questions regarding how your gifts can be used to relieve suffering, restore dignity, and reveal hope both now and in perpetuity.
Download and review the document,
“Maximum Impact Endowment Fund.” To receive a printed version, send your mailing address to info@unto.com.
Webinar Date: May 27, 2020
Getting Maximum Value From the CARES Act
Now more than ever, it is essential to have trusted resources to help you identify effective ways to make a difference with your giving. We want to share a special resource from our Cru® U.S. Office of Development highlighting some provisions of the CARES Act that Congress recently passed.
Download and review the resource, and watch Getting Maximum Value From the CARES Act hosted by our by our President and CEO, Al Goff, and an expert in charitable giving from Cru Foundation®, Mike Wynn. Of course you will also need to talk with your tax advisor to see how the provisions apply to you personally, but they show how giving can make a huge impact during this unprecedented time. You will also see how you can leverage potential tax savings available this year.
Download and review the document, “Highlights of the CARES Act.”