Serving together to reach your campus and the toughest places
Today college students value serving the world around them. They seek hands-on, relevant opportunities to impact the lives of others. Our involvement with Cru® campus ministry and international field staff members positions Unto® to help you build your campus movement and reach more students.
We accomplish this through the provision of international and on-campus opportunities focused on helping students express the kindness of Jesus in the toughest places on earth by relieving suffering, restoring dignity, and revealing hope.
How will your campus connect with Unto?
Your campus can get involved with Unto when students are on campus throughout the academic year or off campus over summer or spring break. The Unto campus team offers opportunities that are specifically designed with students in mind by applying their studies on an international humanitarian trip or serving at an on-campus outreach event.
Summer Missions
Students can use their majors on mission during a hands-on, humanitarian experience.
On-Campus Events
Unto events can help you reach more students by providing opportunities to serve.
Spring Break
Students can participate in short-term national and international humanitarian trips.
Summer Mission
Unto Summer Missions help you reach your campus by providing students with a hands-on, humanitarian experience. Each Summer Missions opportunity is designed so that students can apply their studies in areas like agriculture, natural sciences, nursing, public health, and more in a humanitarian context. Students will work alongside Unto and international Cru ministries as they use their majors on mission to express the kindness of Jesus in the toughest places.
June 1-10, 2025
North Africa
North Africa Summer Mission: Refugee Care
Team Leader: N/A
Cost: $3,750
North Africa has experienced a significant increase in refugees due to the ongoing wars in neighboring countries. Movement within the country is often restricted for refugees and most are without any legal status making it extremely difficult to find work or receive help from the government. These conditions have caused most refugees to reside in the slums of major cities. Compounding the crisis, this country is grappling with its own economic challenges including record high inflation that has pushed already vulnerable refugees into even more desperate circumstances. Beyond the physical needs and oppression this refugee population faces there is a great spiritual oppression. These people need food, they need clothing, but most of all they need to know the love of Jesus.
Join us in North Africa to serve alongside local students and live out the Great Commandment (Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). This is an incredible opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. During your time here, you will actively relieve suffering by distributing essential humanitarian aid, addressing critical needs such as food, clothing, and medical supplies. This hands-on involvement not only provides immediate assistance but also fosters meaningful connections with the community. With opportunities to engage in heartfelt conversations, you’ll hear the stories of individuals whose voices have often been overlooked, restoring dignity and respect to those who have been marginalized, creating a bridge of understanding and empathy that will give you opportunities to reveal the hope of Jesus with those who have never encountered His message.
Your participation in this mission is not merely about providing aid; it is about building relationships, spreading compassion, and instilling hope in communities that desperately need it. Together, we can make a lasting impact, demonstrating the love and grace of Jesus through our actions and words.
*Cost is just an estimate.
May 18- June 18, 2025
Greece Summer Mission: Refugee Care
Team Leader: N/A
Cost: $4,900
In recent years, news broadcasts have been filled with stories of violence in the Middle East resulting in a refugee crisis. Men, women, and children flee from their homes, jobs, and friends, hoping to escape war and find safety. More than 1 million refugees traveled through Turkey, piled into small, overcrowded rubber boats, and faced the dangerous journey across the Aegean Sea to the shores of the Greek islands. They hoped to pass through the islands and continue into Europe and beyond.
However, most European countries have closed their borders leaving those seeking asylum trapped in camps — unable to travel to a new destination and powerless to return home.
You can help relieve suffering, restore dignity and reveal the hope of Jesus to struggling refugees by traveling with Unto, Cru’s humanitarian ministry, to a camp in Greece.
You will serve refugees by distributing aid, working in Men’s and Women’s community centers, playing with the kids and doing work around the camp.
Join us in loving this community through being the hands and feet of Jesus.
*Cost is just an estimate.
Involved Cru Teams
Greece Summer Mission: Refugee Care
June 14, 2025- July 8, 2025
Malawi Summer Mission: Agriculture
Team Leader: N/A
Cost: $4,700
Are you passionate about the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20) as well as natural sciences, community development and sustainability?
Within the Humanitarian aid world, the concern is are we creating sustainable communities or dependency problems.
Unto is the humanitarian ministry of Cru, an international ministry that creates movements everywhere, so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. Unto serves in the toughest places on earth to relieve suffering, restore dignity, and reveal the hope of Jesus. One of the ways we do this is through agriculture workshops.
We serve farmers from all scales and backgrounds to come alongside them by relieving food insecurity, empowering people through agricultural education, and revealing hope. Our workshops include components such as raised garden beds, composting, nutrition, drip irrigation kits, and pest management. We also adopt our workshops considering what the specific community needs help with.
You can help relieve the suffering of people of Malawi who struggle to make a living as subsistence farmers. The biggest challenges for farmers in Malawi are degraded lands, harsh drought, and poor practices. By joining the Agriculture Summer Mission with Unto ®, you have the opportunity to teach communities about how they can grow year-round, and farm more sustainably. You will see firsthand the practical and spiritual impact your agriculture, soil science, or natural science passion/education can have on a community.
In addition to participating workshops, you will explore ways to integrate ministry into your career as you spend time with local Cru ® staff members sharing the hope of Jesus with people in the heart of Malawi. We will run four-day trainings in villages, teaching families techniques to grow more while restoring soil for future generations.
The applications are open. To apply, please complete and submit the summer missions application.
The listed trip cost is an estimate, and includes international airfare.
Contact for more information.
* Location, exact dates, and cost are still to be determined. Dates and cost listed are just a place holder and still TBD.
June 14- July 8, 2025
Malawi Summer Mission: Women’s Health
Team Leader: N/A
Cost: $4,700
Women around the world face many physical, social, and spiritual challenges. In some cases, women are told little about their health, even to the point of becoming pregnant and giving birth without doctors sharing what is happening to their bodies. Some women are uneducated; perhaps because their families won’t allow it, or lack of feminine hygiene products meant they missed a week of school every month and eventually had to drop out. And some women are silenced, oppressed; prevented from sharing their thoughts and coerced into believing someone else’s. Even with all of this going against them, we still believe that women are the key to a healthier society, as the ones who often raise a family and nurture a community. We seek to follow Jesus’ examples throughout Scripture, as He sees women and treats them with the dignity ascribed to them as ones created in the image of God.
You can help bring physical and spiritual healing to marginalized women by joining the Unto Women’s Health Summer Mission trip. In partnership with national Cru staff and their partners, you will teach health education workshops that provide life saving information, while building relationships that lead to Gospel conversations. When you participate in this trip, you help to share the kindness of Jesus in incredibly tough places by relieving suffering, restoring dignity, and revealing hope.
The Unto Women’s Health Summer Mission trip is open to female nursing students who have completed approximately two semesters with clinical rotation of nursing school. Female students of other majors may be considered providing they have a medical/science background with some clinical knowledge and experience. We seek ten participants who demonstrate interest in maternal and child health, women’s rights, and women’s ministry. If you are interested but are unsure if you qualify, please reach out, and we would love to chat with you!
To apply, please complete and submit the summer missions application. Two references are required: one from a spiritual leader in your life (unrelated to you) and one from a nursing professor/clinical supervisor.
For more information contact
* Exact dates, cost, and location are still to be determined. Dates, cost, and location listed are just placeholders and still TBD.
*The small and specialized nature of our summer mission means that it fills up quickly. If you are interested, we recommend that you complete your application and references as soon as you can.
On Campus Outreach Events
Unto’s on-campus outreach events help your campus organization reach more students by providing opportunities to express the kindness of Jesus in their own campus community and around the world. On-campus events are designed to help you build your movement by engaging students, staff, and faculty on your campus. Your campus can host an event such as a:
Students will learn how to restore dignity and reveal hope to the refugee neighbor in their community.
Students will help restore the dignity of women in the toughest places on earth by making LuoPads that are provided to women during women’s health workshops.
Students will help students in the toughest places by collecting school supplies and hosting a packing event.
Students will participate in an interactive event where they will experience the realities of people in the toughest places who walk miles each day for water.
Students will experience the life of families in the toughest places on earth through an interactive simulation that illustrates the daily challenges of buying food, fetching water, and caring for children.
Spring Break
Unto Spring Break trips help your campus reach more students by providing them with flexible opportunities to gain hands-on, humanitarian experience. Students can participate in short-term national and international trips that focus on one of our initiatives like disaster relief, refugee care, critical aid, and more. Students will interact with other Cru ministries as they apply their majors on mission and use their passions to express the kindness of Jesus.
March 7-16, 2025
Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia Vision Clinics Spring Break (Students Only)
Team Leader: Joy
Cost: $1395 +Airfare
The prevalence of blindness and low vision in this Southeast Asian country is relatively high compared to other developing countries. Most of the causes of blindness and low vision are treatable or preventable. Landmines and other war-related injuries are a major cause of ocular injury.
You can help with this need by joining an Unto vision clinic trip to tropical Southeast Asia. Through the clinic, you will help provide glasses to hundreds of people who need simple vision correction. You also will work alongside Unto partners, helping them expand their ministry through serving those in need.
During the clinic, you will meet with local people one-to-one to assess their vision and provide glasses. As you spend time with them, you will have the opportunity to show them the kindness of Jesus.
Time is allotted for visiting local sites and enjoying Southeastern Asian culture.
No medical experience is required. At the beginning of the trip participants will receive training to test vision and fit eyeglasses.
This trips is for college students only.
March 22-29, 2025
Guatemala Vision Clinic Spring Break (Students Only)
Team Leader: Scott
Cost: $1200
During the 10th century, a complex network of trade routes turned Mayan cities into commercial and spiritual hubs. Guatemala still has that mystique today in historic cities like Antigua. However, in the capital, Guatemala City, the effects of the 36-year-long civil war (1960-1996) still can be felt, causing Guatemala to be one of the poorest countries in Central America.
Be part of an Unto® volunteer trip that helps relieve suffering by providing eyeglasses to many with impaired vision.
The team will conduct eyeglass clinics in the city, as well as in nearby rural areas. During the clinics, as you meet with individuals to provide basic vision testing and needed glasses, you will be able to demonstrate the kindness of Jesus. You also will have the opportunity to talk with students at the local university campus to share the hope of the gospel.
No experience is required. At the beginning of the trip, participants will receive training for vision testing and fitting eyeglasses.
This trip is for college students only.
March 29 - April 5, 2025
El Salvador
El Salvador Spring Break Vision Clinics (Destino)
Team Leader: Wes
Cost: TBA
El Salvador — a land of beautiful beaches, sprawling coffee plantations, and lush rainforests — is the most densely populated country in Central America, with 40 percent of its population living in poverty. Be part of a Unto® volunteer trip that helps relieve suffering by providing eyeglasses to many with impaired vision.
As a student on this trip, you will travel to the nation’s capital, San Salvador. The team will conduct eyeglass clinics in the city as well as in nearby rural areas. In the clinics you will meet with individuals to provide glasses and demonstrate the kindness of Jesus. You also will have the opportunity to talk with students at the local university campus to share the hope of Jesus.
No experience is required. Trip participants will receive training for eyeglass fittings at the beginning of the trip.
Students only. This trip can accommodate a maximum of 15 people.
Upcoming Student Trips
Unto volunteer humanitarian teams work with partners in countries across the globe to serve those in need and express the kindness of Jesus. Students can take part in transforming lives through a dynamic, hands-on humanitarian trip designed specifically with them in mind.
March 7-16, 2025
Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia Vision Clinics Spring Break (Students Only)
Team Leader: Joy
Cost: $1395 +Airfare
The prevalence of blindness and low vision in this Southeast Asian country is relatively high compared to other developing countries. Most of the causes of blindness and low vision are treatable or preventable. Landmines and other war-related injuries are a major cause of ocular injury.
You can help with this need by joining an Unto vision clinic trip to tropical Southeast Asia. Through the clinic, you will help provide glasses to hundreds of people who need simple vision correction. You also will work alongside Unto partners, helping them expand their ministry through serving those in need.
During the clinic, you will meet with local people one-to-one to assess their vision and provide glasses. As you spend time with them, you will have the opportunity to show them the kindness of Jesus.
Time is allotted for visiting local sites and enjoying Southeastern Asian culture.
No medical experience is required. At the beginning of the trip participants will receive training to test vision and fit eyeglasses.
This trips is for college students only.
March 15 - 22, 2025
Orlando, FL
Becoming People of Welcome (Immigrant and Refugee Care)
Team Leader: Bekah
Cost: Student price: $450 (quad occupancy) Cru Staff/Community Members: $650 (double occupancy) Commuter: $150 (not staying in hotel)
Cru City: Immigrants, Internationals and Refugees (IIR) and Unto invite you to join us in Orlando, Florida as we seek to spend our time serving and learning how to be effective in connecting with our refugee and immigrant neighbors. Our desire is to live out the Great Commission AND the Great Commandment amongst our new neighbors.
This trip is open to college students, Cru staff, and key volunteers who desire to co-labor together. We will serve with organizations on the ground in Orlando and then learn from those who serve in the immigrant/refugee sphere around the nation. Our time serving will be in the community, while our learning times will be spent at Cru Headquarters.
Our desire is you would return home with a greater desire to welcome the nations in your community, be equipped to engage in spiritual conversations, and gain a biblical understanding of expressing kindness to the immigrant and refugee in our communities.
Come join us as we seek to Become People of Welcome!
March 22-29, 2025
Guatemala Vision Clinic Spring Break (Students Only)
Team Leader: Scott
Cost: $1200
During the 10th century, a complex network of trade routes turned Mayan cities into commercial and spiritual hubs. Guatemala still has that mystique today in historic cities like Antigua. However, in the capital, Guatemala City, the effects of the 36-year-long civil war (1960-1996) still can be felt, causing Guatemala to be one of the poorest countries in Central America.
Be part of an Unto® volunteer trip that helps relieve suffering by providing eyeglasses to many with impaired vision.
The team will conduct eyeglass clinics in the city, as well as in nearby rural areas. During the clinics, as you meet with individuals to provide basic vision testing and needed glasses, you will be able to demonstrate the kindness of Jesus. You also will have the opportunity to talk with students at the local university campus to share the hope of the gospel.
No experience is required. At the beginning of the trip, participants will receive training for vision testing and fitting eyeglasses.
This trip is for college students only.
March 29 - April 5, 2025
El Salvador
El Salvador Spring Break Vision Clinics (Destino)
Team Leader: Wes
Cost: TBA
El Salvador — a land of beautiful beaches, sprawling coffee plantations, and lush rainforests — is the most densely populated country in Central America, with 40 percent of its population living in poverty. Be part of a Unto® volunteer trip that helps relieve suffering by providing eyeglasses to many with impaired vision.
As a student on this trip, you will travel to the nation’s capital, San Salvador. The team will conduct eyeglass clinics in the city as well as in nearby rural areas. In the clinics you will meet with individuals to provide glasses and demonstrate the kindness of Jesus. You also will have the opportunity to talk with students at the local university campus to share the hope of Jesus.
No experience is required. Trip participants will receive training for eyeglass fittings at the beginning of the trip.
Students only. This trip can accommodate a maximum of 15 people.
June 1-10, 2025
North Africa
North Africa Summer Mission: Refugee Care
Team Leader: N/A
Cost: $3,750
North Africa has experienced a significant increase in refugees due to the ongoing wars in neighboring countries. Movement within the country is often restricted for refugees and most are without any legal status making it extremely difficult to find work or receive help from the government. These conditions have caused most refugees to reside in the slums of major cities. Compounding the crisis, this country is grappling with its own economic challenges including record high inflation that has pushed already vulnerable refugees into even more desperate circumstances. Beyond the physical needs and oppression this refugee population faces there is a great spiritual oppression. These people need food, they need clothing, but most of all they need to know the love of Jesus.
Join us in North Africa to serve alongside local students and live out the Great Commandment (Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). This is an incredible opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. During your time here, you will actively relieve suffering by distributing essential humanitarian aid, addressing critical needs such as food, clothing, and medical supplies. This hands-on involvement not only provides immediate assistance but also fosters meaningful connections with the community. With opportunities to engage in heartfelt conversations, you’ll hear the stories of individuals whose voices have often been overlooked, restoring dignity and respect to those who have been marginalized, creating a bridge of understanding and empathy that will give you opportunities to reveal the hope of Jesus with those who have never encountered His message.
Your participation in this mission is not merely about providing aid; it is about building relationships, spreading compassion, and instilling hope in communities that desperately need it. Together, we can make a lasting impact, demonstrating the love and grace of Jesus through our actions and words.
*Cost is just an estimate.
May 18- June 18, 2025
Greece Summer Mission: Refugee Care
Team Leader: N/A
Cost: $4,900
In recent years, news broadcasts have been filled with stories of violence in the Middle East resulting in a refugee crisis. Men, women, and children flee from their homes, jobs, and friends, hoping to escape war and find safety. More than 1 million refugees traveled through Turkey, piled into small, overcrowded rubber boats, and faced the dangerous journey across the Aegean Sea to the shores of the Greek islands. They hoped to pass through the islands and continue into Europe and beyond.
However, most European countries have closed their borders leaving those seeking asylum trapped in camps — unable to travel to a new destination and powerless to return home.
You can help relieve suffering, restore dignity and reveal the hope of Jesus to struggling refugees by traveling with Unto, Cru’s humanitarian ministry, to a camp in Greece.
You will serve refugees by distributing aid, working in Men’s and Women’s community centers, playing with the kids and doing work around the camp.
Join us in loving this community through being the hands and feet of Jesus.
*Cost is just an estimate.
Involved Cru Teams
Greece Summer Mission: Refugee Care
June 14, 2025- July 8, 2025
Malawi Summer Mission: Agriculture
Team Leader: N/A
Cost: $4,700
Are you passionate about the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20) as well as natural sciences, community development and sustainability?
Within the Humanitarian aid world, the concern is are we creating sustainable communities or dependency problems.
Unto is the humanitarian ministry of Cru, an international ministry that creates movements everywhere, so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. Unto serves in the toughest places on earth to relieve suffering, restore dignity, and reveal the hope of Jesus. One of the ways we do this is through agriculture workshops.
We serve farmers from all scales and backgrounds to come alongside them by relieving food insecurity, empowering people through agricultural education, and revealing hope. Our workshops include components such as raised garden beds, composting, nutrition, drip irrigation kits, and pest management. We also adopt our workshops considering what the specific community needs help with.
You can help relieve the suffering of people of Malawi who struggle to make a living as subsistence farmers. The biggest challenges for farmers in Malawi are degraded lands, harsh drought, and poor practices. By joining the Agriculture Summer Mission with Unto ®, you have the opportunity to teach communities about how they can grow year-round, and farm more sustainably. You will see firsthand the practical and spiritual impact your agriculture, soil science, or natural science passion/education can have on a community.
In addition to participating workshops, you will explore ways to integrate ministry into your career as you spend time with local Cru ® staff members sharing the hope of Jesus with people in the heart of Malawi. We will run four-day trainings in villages, teaching families techniques to grow more while restoring soil for future generations.
The applications are open. To apply, please complete and submit the summer missions application.
The listed trip cost is an estimate, and includes international airfare.
Contact for more information.
* Location, exact dates, and cost are still to be determined. Dates and cost listed are just a place holder and still TBD.
June 14- July 8, 2025
Malawi Summer Mission: Women’s Health
Team Leader: N/A
Cost: $4,700
Women around the world face many physical, social, and spiritual challenges. In some cases, women are told little about their health, even to the point of becoming pregnant and giving birth without doctors sharing what is happening to their bodies. Some women are uneducated; perhaps because their families won’t allow it, or lack of feminine hygiene products meant they missed a week of school every month and eventually had to drop out. And some women are silenced, oppressed; prevented from sharing their thoughts and coerced into believing someone else’s. Even with all of this going against them, we still believe that women are the key to a healthier society, as the ones who often raise a family and nurture a community. We seek to follow Jesus’ examples throughout Scripture, as He sees women and treats them with the dignity ascribed to them as ones created in the image of God.
You can help bring physical and spiritual healing to marginalized women by joining the Unto Women’s Health Summer Mission trip. In partnership with national Cru staff and their partners, you will teach health education workshops that provide life saving information, while building relationships that lead to Gospel conversations. When you participate in this trip, you help to share the kindness of Jesus in incredibly tough places by relieving suffering, restoring dignity, and revealing hope.
The Unto Women’s Health Summer Mission trip is open to female nursing students who have completed approximately two semesters with clinical rotation of nursing school. Female students of other majors may be considered providing they have a medical/science background with some clinical knowledge and experience. We seek ten participants who demonstrate interest in maternal and child health, women’s rights, and women’s ministry. If you are interested but are unsure if you qualify, please reach out, and we would love to chat with you!
To apply, please complete and submit the summer missions application. Two references are required: one from a spiritual leader in your life (unrelated to you) and one from a nursing professor/clinical supervisor.
For more information contact
* Exact dates, cost, and location are still to be determined. Dates, cost, and location listed are just placeholders and still TBD.
*The small and specialized nature of our summer mission means that it fills up quickly. If you are interested, we recommend that you complete your application and references as soon as you can.