Working Together for Positive Change
Is your organization looking for ways to give back to society? Are you eager to help relieve the suffering of people around the world?
Partnership With Unto® — An Avenue for Hope and Social Responsibility
Because Unto has international field staff members through a network of like-minded organizations, we are positioned to serve people across the globe. We accomplish our mission through the provision of humanitarian aid and activities focused on improving quality of life by relieving suffering and restoring dignity.
Your partnership with Unto can foster positive change in individuals, families, and communities. Whether you have products to give, finances to share, or people willing to volunteer, together we can reach more people with help and hope.
“We at Herr’s are pleased to partner with Unto. For many years, Unto has faithfully helped people in need throughout the world by providing a wide range of human necessities; they deserve the support of anyone who wants to help others.”
J.M. Herr
Executive Chairman, Herr Foods Inc.
and former Unto Board Member
Accomplishing the Mission Together
Unto relieves suffering, restores dignity, and reveals hope to people around the world. Church communities can partner with Unto through multiple activities that flow into one or more of our three ministry programs.
It is Easy for You to Address Humanitarian Needs
How Will You Get Involved?
Give Financially
Your financial partnership ensures aid gets to people in need without delay. Give safely and securely on our site, or contact us to learn more.
Give Gifts in Kind
You can give product as a way to manage your excess inventory while also providing quality goods for people in need.
Unto provides local volunteer opportunities for you, your family, team, or group to make a difference.
Host an Event
You can host a team-building event to pack food at your location to help feed hungry people who live in the toughest places on earth.
Contact Us to Learn More
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