How Women Influence the Next Generation
By Amanda DeWitt

In the eyes of a child, she is strong, brave, and beautiful. Her name is a simple word uttered no less than a hundred times a day — mom, ummi, mãe, madre, mama, ma, mum.
Around the world women shape the next generation. Their influence forms the world’s doctors, politicians, craftsmen, teachers, engineers, and farmers. Moms have enormous power as they raise their children, serve their communities, run businesses, and share the message of hope with those around them.
Shape Dreams
Women help others see the world of possibilities. They listen carefully to their children’s big, unfinished plans. Then slowly and patiently, they help them paint a beautiful picture of what could be.
It is a daily process. It is modeled in how we live and taught by how we dream ourselves. It happens at the most unexpected times — on a walk home, while doing chores, or while saying goodnight. It takes a careful eye and an artistic mind.
Dreams are fragile. They must be crafted carefully, or they can be crushed. But with tender care they can also be formed into something significant, and something that can change the world.
Inspire Ambition
Women help children see the possibilities around them — and within themselves. Very few people know what they are truly capable of achieving. It takes mothers, mentors, and friends to help us see the potential within.
Moms help draw out what is tucked inside us. They see the flickers of curiosity, the attention to detail, the way a child nurtures or cares. As they see these qualities, they gently call them out. They praise when work is well done. They celebrate attitudes that help others. They keep believing even when mistakes are made.
They inspire ambition — but not the selfish kind. A mother who follows Jesus helps her children see their God-given potential. But she also shows them how they can use their gifts, abilities, and talents to honor Him and serve others.
Reflect Kindness
Theologian John Piper writes, “One of our fundamental callings is to be the smile of God to our children.”
Women are among the first to demonstrate the kindness and character of God to the little ones entrusted to their care. To mother is to humble serve, unconditionally love, and patiently forgive. It is also to delight.
A mom flings her arms open and welcome her children home at the end of a hard day. She celebrates every accomplishment — from first steps to first jobs. She sings, laughs, and applauds.
She expresses the kindness of Jesus to her children as she loves and cares for them each day. She also teaches them to do the same for others who need a smile, a hug, or basic care.
Reveal Hope
Reach a mom with the message of hope, and you can often impact an entire family. A mom who understands the eternal hope of Jesus lives it out and passes it on to her children and community.
Recently a woman at an Unto® women’s health clinic shared how she is the only Christian in her village. In her closed country, it is difficult to follow Jesus, and she is persecuted every day. But despite the obstacles, she continues to stand strong in her faith.
For many women in the toughest places, Jesus changes everything. Most have never heard about Him. So when they discover how He gives them hope now and for eternity, they cannot help but respond and tell others the good news.
Mothers reveal hope. But not through elaborate sermons or long lectures. They live out their faith and pass it on as they go about their daily routine.
As God told Israel, “You shall teach [My commands] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise (Deuteronomy 6:7, ESV).” Revealing hope happens throughout the day at work, school, or home. It takes place in the quiet, ordinary times. It is a message too good to keep to ourselves. We must tell others and teach our children to do the same.
Moms possess enormous power. They influence who the next generation will become — and share a hope that never fades no matter what obstacles or uncertainties may come.
Help Mothers and Families Worldwide
In the toughest places mothers and their children struggle to survive. Right now every $10 you give delivers $100 worth of essential items to people who lack access to basic care. Local staff teams and partners will personally distribute the meals, water filters, tarps for shelter, and more you help provide. At the right time, they will also share the message of eternal hope with those who have never heard about Jesus.
Published May 04, 2023

Amanda is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Gift for Leadership, Kindred Spirit, and Christianity Today publications. She holds a M.A. in Media and Communication from Dallas Theological Seminary.