Help Your Child Make a Splash This Summer

You Can Make a Difference for Those Without Clean Water

By Amanda DeWitt

Make a Splash

It can be easy to take clean water for granted — especially this time of year. 

Take a minute and think of all the ways we use water. We use it to water our lawns and fill our swimming pools. We need it for drinking, cooking, bathing and hygiene. We use water to wash our hands, clean our homes and wash our cars. 

People in the toughest places often say, “Water is life!” And they are not wrong. Up to 60 percent of our bodies are made up of water. You can go weeks with little-to-no food. But you can only go about three days without water. 

That is why the statistics are so striking. Despite all our modern progress, one in four people worldwide still lack easy access to safe, clean water. 

So as you splash into summer with all the fun activities and water-filled adventures, think about some ways you can also make a difference for people around the world who do not yet have the clean water we enjoy. Gather your children, neighbors, small group or Vacation Bible School class. Spend a few minutes discovering what life is like for people in the toughest places and how you can help.


Today 26 percent of the world’s population lacks easy access to safe, clean water. That means 2.2 billion people do not have clean water available in their homes. Sadly, 411 million people are still forced to drink water from sources that could make them sick. 

Without easy access to clean water, women and children are often forced to spend hours searching for water each day. Children may miss school because of the time it takes them to collect water. Mothers have less time at home or work. Families struggle to care for their livestock or plant productive gardens for food and income. 

Collectively, women and children around the world spend 200 hours a day fetching water. 

For people everywhere water is life — and it impacts every part of life. That is why it is so important we continue working until every person has easy access to safe, clean water. 


Have you ever considered how people access water for their homes? Without running water families rely on wells, streams, rivers and other natural sources for their daily water needs. 

A bucket is the main way people collect water. But it is not always an easy task. A large bucket filled with water can weigh up to 50 pounds! Can you imagine balancing a 50-pound bucket on your head as you walk several miles home from the nearest well? 

Spend a few minutes trying it out for yourself. Grab a bucket, fill it with a few inches of water and head outside. See if you can balance the bucket on your head. Now try to walk. 

Next fill the bucket completely full. How heavy is it? How far can you carry it without dropping or spilling? 


You can make a difference for people without clean water. When you partner with organizations like Unto®, you make it possible for local staff teams and partners in tough places to drill clean water wells and repair broken ones. 

If you do not think you can make much of a difference, think again! Right now a generous donor has provided matching funds that will DOUBLE the amount of your gift for clean water. 

Do some extra chores this summer. Put the money you earn into a mason jar. See how quickly it fills up. Donate the funds to provide clean water for people in need. 

Join together with your small group or Vacation Bible School class. Work together to raise enough money to fill up a bucket with bills and coins. See how fast working together raises a significant amount for clean water. 


Sometimes it seems so simple and maybe a little too easy. But even if you cannot give, you can still pray for people in the toughest places. 

Pray for those who do not have access to clean water. God sees and knows each one by name. Pray that He will meet their needs for water each day. 

Pray for those who also have never heard about Jesus. In many tough places, people not only lack access to things like clean water or other basic supplies. Most have also never heard about eternal hope. Pray that God will provide missionaries and others to meet the physical and spiritual needs of unreached communities around the world. 

If you are giving to provide clean water, pray for the people who will be impacted by your generosity. Pray that God will use your offering to make a tangible and eternal difference in the lives of people who need clean water and hope. 

This summer you can make a splash in so many ways. Fill up a bucket of water. Try out some of the activities provided here and in the free download available below. While you are at it, think about the ways you can make a difference for people around the world who still need clean water.

A Bucket of Hope

Ready to have some fun and learn more about how people collect water around the world? Download our FREE activity page featuring fun activities like counting, and a dot-to-dot to help children realize the difference they can make.

Published July 1, 2024


Amanda is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Gift for Leadership, Kindred Spirit, and Christianity Today publications. She holds a M.A. in Media and Communication from Dallas Theological Seminary.