How Your Partnership Shares Living Water
By Al Goff

Grace Pule has seen firsthand the devastation that unsafe water brings. As a minister at Prince of Peace Church in a small village in Zambia, she struggled with her community through the deadly cholera outbreak that struck one year ago. In need of water, which was scarce in the region, families often had no choice but to drink disease-ridden water with the potential to kill. Across Zambia, many lives were lost.
Much has changed in a year. Grace’s village and other communities in the region now have lifesaving water filters and new wells that provide safe, clean water.
“Water is very important,” Grace told our team. “Without it, there is no life. Water is life.” Of course, Grace isn’t just referring to physical water, but to living water too.
Every year water filters, wells, and other critical aid save thousands of lives. They also do something else — they give our in-country partners credibility and access in their communities. Ultimately they help open doors for them to share the hope of Jesus with those in need.
Your Partnership Makes a Physical and Eternal Impact
As we reflect upon the stories we heard last year — like the one from Grace’s village — and look forward to the year ahead, I’m reminded of how vital partnerships are in ministry. They are the heart and soul of all we do, allowing us to impact more people with the kindness of Jesus.
Here are just a few examples of how partnerships made a difference last year:
- One in three people suffer from malnutrition. Last year we served 7,005,227 people through food and agricultural aid worldwide. This year even more food and vegetable seeds will be shipped around the world, providing long-term food solutions for entire communities.
- Diarrhea attributed to unsafe water causes kills more than 2,000 children each day — more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Last year we provided safe, clean water for more than 90,000 people, including the people from Grace’s village and surrounding communities in Zambia. Together this year we can provide wells, water filters, and hygiene training to even more people in drought-ridden areas.
- One in ten people live on less than $2 a day. Last year we served almost 600,000 people, providing them with critically needed aid at just the right time. Even more individuals and families in need this year will receive critical items, including medicine, temporary shelter, blankets, and clothing.
- People around the world are going through life without knowing about Jesus — the source of living water. The generosity of faithful partners is opening doors to share the hope of Jesus in areas where we would otherwise have no access. Our teams and in-country staff will be able to tell more people about Jesus’ living water because of the humanitarian kindness they will be able to extend to their communities this year.
Published January 26, 2019

Al Goff has served as President and CEO of Unto since 2013.