Rush Aid to Suffering People in Tough Places

Every $10 Delivers $100 Worth of Aid — and Shares Hope!

In one closed country where Unto® serves, 80 percent of people live on less than $2 a day. War has created one of the greatest humanitarian crises of our time. This country is also one of the top places where Christians face persecution. 

Our partner recently shared: 

“Distributing aid allows us to reach impoverished households with resources that have an immediate physical impact. It also reduces hostility toward disciples of Christ who are sharing their faith in a country where Christians face extreme persecution.” 

Your generosity makes ministry possible in places like this one. Every $10 you give today delivers $100 worth of lifesaving aid and opens doors for the hope of Jesus to be shared.

Over the next four months, Unto plans to send 18 HUGE shipping containers — packed with lifesaving supplies — to suffering people in 15 countries. More than 50 percent of the shipments are also going to countries where Christians face high levels of persecution.

Your generosity will allow local missionaries to deliver meals, water filters, medical supplies, hygiene items, and more to those who need them most. You will also help create opportunities for our teams to share about eternal hope with those who have never heard. 

Will you give today to rush supplies to people in closed countries who critically need help and the message of hope?

kids holding Unto boxes full of aid