Send Lifesaving Aid to Closed Countries

Your gift goes 10 times as far to relieve suffering and reveal hope

The demand for humanitarian assistance has never been higher. Due to the global food crisis and so many people fleeing war, there are more requests for help than ever before.

Most of these people live in unreached areas — where they cannot easily access basic supplies OR hear the message of Jesus. This is our opportunity to deliver both.

Over the next three months, Unto® plans to send nine HUGE shipping containers to suffering people in tough places. Five of these shipments are going to countries that are closed to the message of eternal hope. In order for these containers of lifesaving aid to reach their destinations on time, $261,000 is needed by April 15!

Without this funding we risk canceling projects with international Cru® staff teams who rely on humanitarian aid to help them access unreached people groups.

Your gift now will ensure lifesaving supplies are sent to refugees, war victims, impoverished families, and many others struggling to survive. You will help put items like meals, water filters, tarps for shelter, or medical supplies into their hands — and share the eternal hope of Jesus.

All the aid has been donated or purchased at deep discounts. So all we need is funding to cover the costs of shipping and distribution. Local staff teams will personally deliver the aid, build relationships, and share about Jesus as opportunities arise.

Will you give today to help deliver aid and share hope with those who have never heard about Jesus?

Send Lifesaving Aid to Closed Countries

They Could Not Stop the Message of Hope!

Recently, a local staff team in Central Asia distributed meals to families in unreached villages who often struggle to access adequate nutrition. In this closed country, it is illegal to openly share the message of eternal hope. Humanitarian aid is the only reason ministry is allowed to continue. 

When the local police chief found out about the distribution, he told the team they could not continue with their plans. Just in time, the wife of the village elder stepped in …

“Don’t listen to them; go forward with your plans,” she told them.

“But what about the police chief?” the team leader asked.

“Don’t worry about him. I’ll go with you as you visit the families and give out the food,” she replied.

“You’ll still go, even though we’re going to talk about Jesus?” he asked.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said, waving her hand as if it would be no problem.

The team went forward with the distribution. The village elder’s wife came along as they visited families and provided them with meals. Because of this woman’s help, they were able to share the message of eternal hope with many families. And 10 people trusted in Jesus!