Tangible Ways to Meet the Needs of Suffering People
By Amanda DeWitt

COVID-19. Economic Recession. Racial tension. And more. For so many of us, life feels turbulent and even unfamiliar. The converging realities we face are daunting — and sometimes overwhelming.
In the face of such suffering, we are called to act — to give hope to people in the midst of crisis. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, one Cru national leader in the Middle East shared:
“Because our country is locked … there is no one to help refugees.”
With no one to help refugees, local staff members helped. They distributed critically needed supplies — provided by faithful partners like you before the pandemic — to meet tangible needs.
Meals were distributed to hungry families living in refugee camps. Hygiene items, like hand sanitizer and soap, were provided too.
In so doing our team members met tangible needs, built relationships, and expressed the kindness of Jesus. We can learn from their example and help suffering people near us and around the globe.
Give What You Have
The needs of our world are overwhelming. No one person can meet them all. But we can each do something to meet the needs of suffering people around us.
What do you have that you can offer to those in need? Maybe you have canned goods you can donate to a local food bank. Maybe you have a skill you can employ to serve others. Maybe you have the financial resources to provide humanitarian aid to refugees and others who are suffering around the world.
Take inventory of what you have — and how you can give it away to serve others.
Serve Together
We cannot impact our world alone. But together we can make a significant difference.
Who can you serve alongside or invite to join you? Volunteer to help teach a virtual Sunday school or vacation Bible school class. Many churches are looking for eager volunteers right now.
Get your neighbors involved in a food drive. Put up signs that you will be collecting non-perishable items and delivering them to a local food bank or organization who will distribute them to people in need. Place a box on your front porch where people can contribute.
As a family make care packages for people in your neighborhood you know are struggling. Include hand sanitizers, masks, or other items you know they need. And add a note of encouragement to let them know they are not forgotten during this time.
If each of us do what we can to serve others, together we can make a significant impact on our communities and around the world.
Talk About Hope
Kindness tells a story. And when we do good to others, they often want to know why.
Why would you help someone during a pandemic — especially if you are struggling to make your own ends meet?
At the right time, tell others about your motivation. It doesn’t have to be long or fancy. Just be honest.
On World Refugee Day — and every day — may we remind ourselves why we share hope in times of crisis.
When love became a refugee, He became our refuge.
When love became a prisoner, He set me free.
The widow and the orphan became the bride and children.
When He stole my heart between two thieves.
(Matt Maher, Least of These)
How will you share hope with someone in crisis today?
Give 10 Times the Help to Refugees and Suffering People
Every $10 ships $100 of lifesaving supplies and shares hope!
Our world is in crisis. People who were already suffering — including refugees — now need even more assistance.
You can help! Every $10 you give now ships and delivers $100 worth of lifesaving aid like food, medical supplies, water filters, and blankets to the most vulnerable. Right now Unto has $1.3 million worth of aid ready to go — 7 HUGE containers are waiting. All we need are the funds to ship and deliver the aid.
Published June 17, 2020

Amanda is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Gift for Leadership, Kindred Spirit, and Christianity Today publications. She holds a M.A. in Media and Communication from Dallas Theological Seminary.