Your gift will provide hundreds of people with safe, clean water!
Today millions of people across Africa still lack access to safe, clean water. As a result, families are often forced to use dirty water as their only option for drinking, cooking, bathing, and more. They know the water could make them sick.
We can help change this for several Zambian communities by joining together to repair broken water wells. The goal is for children participating in the First Baptist Church Park Street Vacation Bible School to raise $8,000 for clean water!
Every newly repaired well serves at least 500 people. Because of your children’s generosity, hundreds of people will soon have access to safe, clean water.
Ready to help? Simply pack up your child’s offering (coins, cash, or check) and tell them to place it in the water bucket during the missions offering.
Want to learn more about the challenges children across Africa face when it comes to accessing clean water? Watch Rejoice’s story below.