Disaster Victims Share the Help and Hope You Gave
By Amanda DeWitt
No one expects to watch their home wash away in a storm. But when it happened to victims of Hurricane Dorian and Cyclone Idai, generous partners like you rushed disaster relief to hundreds of people who lost almost everything.
The aid you provided through Unto™, the humanitarian ministry of Cru®, met urgent tangible needs. It also opened up opportunities for local partners to share the hope of Jesus. Here are just two examples of people who experienced kindness after the storm.
Charles’ Compassion
Charles and his wife live just off the main island of the Bahamas. When Hurricane Dorian approached they took shelter in their home until it was torn apart around them. In the eye of the storm, amidst strong winds and flying debris, they ran across their yard to Charles’ trade shop. A few minutes later the shop was also destroyed. They lost almost everything, but Charles and his wife survived.
Immediately after the hurricane they sought shelter with family. A few weeks later Charles returned home to begin cleanup and salvage what he could. He lived among the rubble of his shop.
Because of your support our local partners were able to provide Charles with a SHIFTPOD. These sturdy tents with microfiber insulation served as temporary housing for more than 500 Bahamians after Hurricane Dorian. Charles was so relieved to receive a pod and know that his wife would have adequate, temporary housing when she returned to their home.
Kindness can always be given away —
even in the midst of the storm.
He was not just concerned about his own property or family. When Charles came to the pod distribution, he made sure his friend Ted, who has disabilities, also received a pod. Charles’ home was destroyed, and he had nothing to give, but he still cared for others. His example reminds us that kindness can always be given away — even in the midst of the storm.
Gogo’s Excitement
Cyclone Idai was one of the worst tropical cyclones on record in the Southern Hemisphere. Months after the storm hit, many people who lost their homes still lived in tents. Water sources remained contaminated, and waterborne illnesses were on the rise.
Thanks to your generosity Unto was able to provide water filters to cyclone victims. Our local partners worked with government sanitation employees and social welfare officers in Zimbabwe to determine where water filters were most needed. Within a month of distributing the filters, the cases of waterborne illnesses had decreased significantly.
Gogo Muzondiwa was so grateful to receive one of the water filters. She and her three grandchildren were spared during the storm. But Gogo lost part of her home in the cyclone, including her bathroom that was completely destroyed. After receiving a water filter and being taught how to use it, she was overjoyed. Her family had been drinking from an open water source, which could have made them sick. She was so grateful for the water filter that she went on to help others prepare their own filters and buckets for use.
Charles and Gogo remind us that we never know when tragedy or loss may strike. But together we can be a part of expressing the kindness of Jesus in every circumstance.
How will you express kindness — and share hope — with someone today?
Give Help and Hope to People Affected by Disaster
Hurricane season is upon us once again. You can help Unto prepare for a quick response — rushing aid to people affected by disaster when needed. Your gift will meet immediate critical needs in times of crisis and provide ongoing disaster relief to people living in some of the toughest places on earth as they rebuild their lives.
Published September 4, 2020

Amanda is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Gift for Leadership, Kindred Spirit, and Christianity Today publications. She holds a M.A. in Media and Communication from Dallas Theological Seminary.