“Water is life.”
Every 90 seconds a child dies from preventable waterborne diseases. But together we can make a difference by providing safe, clean water for families in need.
In the upcoming months, Unto® plans to drill and repair numerous wells in some of the most difficult-to-reach places on earth. However, funding is needed to ensure projects continue as planned. Each well serves at least 500 people — and often many more!
Throughout many arid and dry lands, you can hear the people exclaim “water is life!” Your gift to provide clean water will open doors for the gospel — providing for people physically and spiritually.
Your generosity will meet people’s immediate physical needs and create opportunities for them to hear about Jesus. Our local staff teams often report that providing safe, clean water is one of their most effective strategies for accessing unreached people groups. Unto is currently conducting water projects in more than 50 countries.
Will you give today to provide clean water and share eternal hope with those who have never heard?
Thank you for your partnership to help transform lives through the gift of safe, clean water and the message of hope in Jesus!
You can help more people by making a monthly gift!

A Message of Gratitude from an African Pastor
In one South Sudanese village, families had no choice but to drink dirty water. When the well in their village stopped working, women and children were forced to walk long distances to collect water. But often their only option was a dirty river or stream.
Many people in the village got sick from the dirty water. Sadly, most could not afford the medication needed to help them get well. Thankfully, people like you stepped in to help, and everything changed!
After repairing the broken well and drilling another one nearby, more than 3,360 South Sudanese people across several villages now have access to clean water. Local Unto missionaries were able to share the message of Jesus, and many have responded!
Pastor Andrew, a local pastor in the area, recently shared …
To the people who have put this well here, God bless you and thank you very much. May God give you even more resources so you can do even more. The suffering of women in this area is very great and the new well and repaired well are very helpful. The people in the village have been helped directly and now their children will not have as many illnesses. They can go to school. God bless you!

Yes, I want to give!
For nearly 30 years, Unto has leveraged strategic global partnerships and the service of dedicated volunteers to relieve suffering through humanitarian aid in more than 75 countries. Unto serves people around the world as part of Cru’s diverse, 190-country network.