Feed a Hungry Child a Meal for Just 30 Cents

You Can Help Rush Meals and Hope to Africa

Twenty million people in East Africa are in critical need of food. Distraught mothers have little choice but to gather and cook grass flavored with a little sorghum — their children’s only meal of the day.

You can do something about their situation! You have an opportunity to help rush more than 2 MILLION meals to South Sudan and numerous other countries. We can put a stop to starvation — and show God’s mercy to hungry people.

Just 30 cents provides one meal. Each $30 is enough to feed 100 children who are in a battle to survive. When you express the kindness of Jesus in the toughest places on earth by relieving suffering, you also restore dignity and reveal the eternal hope of Jesus.

Our MealPacks contain culturally appropriate food like rice and lentils or beans. They exceed the nutritional standards for a healthy meal. Each MealPack is one of the best ways to restore a child to health quickly!

Much of the food is donated. And we partner with local churches and carefully vetted Christian partners who already serve in places other agencies cannot go. That is why it costs just 30 cents to assemble, ship, AND deliver each meal to areas one step away from a famine zone — including countries where the eternal hope of Jesus cannot be openly shared.

Your gift of any size will help dozens of orphans, schoolchildren, and families. Not one meal will go to waste. Your gift will mean hope and a future for children living in some of the toughest places on earth.


  • $51 will feed 170 PEOPLE
  • $99 will feed 330 PEOPLE
  • $600 will feed 2,000 PEOPLE — A WHOLE VILLAGE!

Time is short. Please help us keep the next shipments of food on schedule. Every child, every person you help is precious to God. Your gift today or before December 31 will save lives, restore dignity to suffering people, and provide an opportunity for whole communities to learn about the eternal hope of Jesus.


Unto® is the humanitarian ministry of Cru® (Campus Crusade for Christ®). For nearly 30 years, Unto has leveraged strategic global partnerships and the service of dedicated volunteers to relieve suffering through humanitarian aid. Unto serves people around the world as part of the diverse, 190-country Cru network.
